Kaleb Then (moments after surgery)

Kaleb Now
"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:28-31 (NIV translation)

Monday, June 7, 2010

For my mom..... Lisa Talbot

Above is a picture of my mom, Lisa, and my son Kaleb.  This is during his stay at Primary Children's Hospital after two surgeries.  The first was open hearty surgery because of some congential heart defects he was born with, then he had a second because of an infection at the surgical site.  This was by far the most difficult thing I have ever gone thru!  I was an absolute wreck, I could go on and on explaining what a wreck I was but there is not enough space.... The point is, anyway, is that I got thru it.... I'm getting thru it....... But it wasn't without the loving care, concern, dedication, and drive that my mother had to keep me afloat.  I'm in tearns writting this now because I never knew how much my mom loved me until I had my son and how strong she was for me during this time is other-worldy, absolutely phenominal.  I constantly think about how she was there for me during this time.  My mom is one of the most amazing people I know.  Always looking at the positive.  Always lifting my head when it's down.  Mom, I would not have survived this if it weren't for you.  I don't think anyone has any idea how amazing she was during this time.  I could not imagine watching my child suffer thru what I went thru and staying as sane as she did, but on top of that she had to watch her first grandson go thru everything I watched him go thru.  She was at his hospital bed every second I was, she saw everything I saw.  Those images play over and over again in my head and they always end with how my mom was there for me.  Mom you deserve recognition for what you did.  Thank you for having a servant's heart during this time.  You sacrificed so much for me, not just then, but thru my entire life.  Now I know what a mother's love is like and it overwhelms me thinking that you love me as much as I love Kaleb.  I'm sorry I doubted that love.  I will never doubt it again.  I love you!


  1. Mckell. I love you so much sissy! You and Shane are some of the strongest people I know, your always there for me, and I was glad to be there for you. (: <3 <3 <3

  2. What a special lil guy Kaleb is and what a great family you all are. Thanks for sharing this and know how much we here in Hawaii all love you guys. What an inspiration Kaleb and you all are for us all. Love ya Unca Gene and Aunt Akiko
